Reference : History


History Directory

1 - 7 of 7 entries.

  • Free Encyclopedia about India
    Large free encyclopedia on India with many articles related to arts and culture, entertainment, health, reference, sports, society and travel.
  • History Facts
    A rotation of many interesting facts, including famous birthdays, historical events, and funny quotes. Cool random facts are displayed on the site or can be emailed to visitors or their friends.
  • History Resource from A&E
    Get information on US and World History including famous historical people.
  • History to Read
    Access history regarding all types of topics, including video games and the bikini.
  • History Tribute Encyclopedia & Blog
    Create and manage tributes and online memorials. View and create tributes for lost loved ones, historical people, places or events, all free of charge. Entertaining history blog.
  • Ten Years in Russian War Captivity
    A story from Russian captivity from the capitulation on the 8th May, 1945 up to the homecoming to Austria on the 4th June, 1955. Including to the original KGB - act of the author.
  • WFA East Coast
    Site dedicated to further the interest in WWI and to perpetuate the memory, courage, and comradeship of those who served during The Great War. Offer educational WWI history seminars.